Our Classes

This month's schedule
This month's schedule
monthly tution

We currently offer group and private classes in the comfortable indoor studio space of Blythswood Square Studios. We teach traditional martial arts incorporating modern teaching methods. In addition to passing down the art our priority is to improve students' capacities in three key aspects of martial arts: movement quality, fight intelligence, and reactive self-defense. Our classes are designed to develop each of these aspects, with a particular emphasis on movement and fight IQ.

Our Approach

While we value tradition, our method of instruction is somewhat unconventional. We believe in 'live' and playful training. 'Live' means there is some level of resistance and adaptation, and 'playful' refers to our belief that no means of learning is as effective as play. From the very beginning, students engage in fight games, trying to outmaneuver and outthink their opponents. This approach is fun at all levels, and students progress from very light contact to higher contact as they become ready and comfortable.

Physical Development

Students are expected to push themselves physically to gain the flexibility, strength, and coordination required by the art. Our job is to make this process fun, rewarding, and well-guided.

Mindset and Discipline

We see the cultivation of mindset, discipline, and self-control as key aspects of fight IQ, along with reactions and strategy. The journey of mastering self-discipline and acquiring fighting skills goes hand in hand with the learning of specific movements or techniques.

Class Structure

In addition to learning martial techniques and engaging in structured play, all classes include a warm-up, instruction in qigong breathing techniques, and physical conditioning. We teach traditional Chinese Martial Arts, and respecting that tradition, classes incorporate some use of Mandarin Chinese as well traditional cultural concepts and philosophies.